The Analysis Wizard performs several kinds of analysis on a network; Based on a set of cases the wizard will calulate the AIC-, BIC- and log-likelyhood scores, perform various data dependency and accuracy analysis.
The Analysis Wizard is activated by selecting "Analysis Wizard" in the Wizards Menu. Note that to activate the Analysis Wizard, the network must be in runmode and consist only of discrete chance nodes.
When the Analysis Wizard is activated a window displaying the "Data Source" pane will pop up, see figure 1. The window has six tabs: "Data Source, "AIC/BIC/ll", "Dependencies", "Data Accuracy", "Sampling" and "Cases/Beliefs".
Figure 1: Empty Data Source pane; Window displayed when the Analysis Wizard is activated. |
To perform any analysis the wizard will first need a set of cases.
Cases can be imported by
After importing a set of cases, the Data Source pane will display a
table with the imported cases, see Figure 2. To discard all imported
cases click on the button "Clear Data".
Figure 2: Data Source pane. A set of cases has been imported. |
Reports can be generated and saved in a pdf file, if the model currently loaded in Hugin contains one or more reports. Pressing the "Generate report" button launches a window prompting the user to select a report and the location where the report should be saved in (figure 2a). The ChestClinic model has a report draft called "test_report", created in the report designer tutorial.
Figure 2a: A window for choosing a report draft and the location to save the generated report. |
If the report selected has defined user input, the "Enter Input" window will come forward (Figure 2b) requesting the input from the user. Pressing the "OK" button will generate and save the report to the specified file.
Figure 2b: A panel requesting user input that was defined while designing the report. |
Clicking on the tab "Sampling" will bring forward the sampling pane. The sampling pane is shown in figure 3.
Figure 3: Sampling pane. |
Cases can be generated in two different ways: MCAR (Missing
Completely at Random) or MAR (Missing at Random). MCAR sets some values
to N/A by removing values of some nodes in the generated case set
randomly (i.e., MCAR considers all the values in the generated cases
and not one case at a time).
MAR randomly sets some values in a case to N/A based on auto-generated
templates. These templates specify that if some nodes have a specific
value, then the values of a subset of the nodes are randomly set to
N/A. Note that the specification of the templates is generated
In both cases the conditional probability distribution is considered as
a factor to the number of cases generated with a specific set of
observations. Also in both MCAR and MAR it is possible to indicate the
percentage of missing values.
The cases generated will be based on the conditional probability
distribution given by the scenario chosen in the combo box "Sample
configurations based on".
Any cases generated will be added to the current set of imported cases.
Clicking on the "AIC/BIC/ll" tab will bring forward the AIC/BIC/ll pane, see figure 4. The wizard calculates the AIC, BIC and log-likelihood scores of the model given the case data.
Figure 4: AIC/BIC/ll pane. |
Clicking on the "Dependencies" tab will bring forward the data dependencies pane, see figure 5.
Figure 5: Data dependencies pane. |
The Dependencies pane allow for inspecting the mutual information
of nodes. Depending on the threshold set by the slider, edges will be
hidden according to the mutual information of the nodes. Toggle between
inspecting mutual information for all nodes or nodes with directed
edges by clicking the checkbox "Complete graph". Mutual information
will be computed based on the case selected in the "Enter Case" drop
down box.
Buttons at the top of the pane allows for zooming the view of the
network and adjusting the scale of the slider if possible.
Clicking on the "Data Accuracy" tab will bring forward the Data accuracy analysis pane, see Figure 6. Given a node and a set of cases, this pane generates an analysis report with information about how well the predictions of the network match the cases.
Figure 6: Data Accuracy pane. |
This pane consists of four elements, a drop down box at the top to
select what node to analyze, an ROC curve, an analysis report and a table showing the
Analysis Report
The analysis report list the number of cases used for analysis (only
cases without observations of the actual node is ignored). A confusion
matrix is generated showing how well the observed states match the
For prediction we can use either of the following options:
Clicking on the "Cases/Beliefs" tab will bring forward the cases pane, see Figure 7. The case pane offers the option of selecting a node and one of it's states and displaying the beliefs for that state in each case, highlighted by a color.
Figure 7: Cases - Beliefs pane |
This pane consists of six elements, a drop down box at the top to
select what
node to analyse, a dropdown box to select one of the node's states, a
check box
(Remove evidence), the color threshold spinner, a refresh button and a
showing the cases.
By selecting a node and one of its states, the case table displays the
for that node in each case for which no evidence is entered. The
information for
the selected node will always be displayed in the first column after
the "Case
no." column (second column).
By checking the Remove evidence check box and pressing the refresh button, beliefs are retracted and displayed for cases where evidence was entered in the node under analysis
The color threshold spinner offers the option of selecting
the belief
values to be colored (the values higher than the selected are
colored). The
tone of the color indicates how high the value is (the darker the color
higher the value is). The coloring ability together with the ability to
sort the
column makes it easier to notice the values desired.
To sort the column
once on it's header for ascending order or twice for descending.
It is possible to save one or more cases to a file so they can be
used in another wizard (f.ex Parameter Sensitivity).
After selecting one or more cases right click on the mouse and
select "Save Case" for saving one case, or "Save Selected Cases" for
saving many cases. (see Figure 8).
Figure 8: Cases - Beliefs pane "save selected
cases" |