Data Matrix

The data matrix is HUGINs tool for inspecting and manipulating data sets. Data is displayed using a grid like interface very similar to what most users know from Excel, see Figure 1.
The data matrix is available in places dealing with data files, including the learning- and EM wizards and other places dealing with data.

Figure 1: A typical data matrix view

The leftmost column is the row header which display row numbers, first row is 0 as rows are zero-indexed. The top header display column names, when using data with a HUGIN model the columns represent nodes.

Basic Editing

The data set can be inspected using the data matrix. Although HUGIN is not EXCEL, some basic editing of data items can be performed:

Rows and columns can be edited as well: Figures 4 and 5 display the options available by right-clicking row header and column.
Figure 4: Right-click the row header - options
Figure 5: Right-click column - options

Advanced Functionallity

Columns containing numerical data, exclusively, can be discretized into a set of intervals by launching the discretizer (read more about the discretization features):

More elaborate modifications are performed using batch preprocessing (read more about the preprocessing features):

To inspect properties of the data set use the data set analysis functionallity (read more about the data analysis features):