You can specify/edit the groups of your network in the Groups and Colors tab of the Network Properties dialog box. This tab is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The Network Properties dialog box showing the Groups and Colors tab. |
When you use Hugin, you always use four default groups (maybe without recognizing them as groups). Each of the different types of nodes have their own default group: discrete chance nodes, continuous chance nodes, utility nodes, and decision nodes.
You add a new (user defined) group by typing the new group name in the small edit box below the list of groups and clicking the Add button to the right of the edit box. You can also rename a group, delete it, or move it up and down in the node groups list.
At the bottom of the Groups and Colors tab, you can change the color of the currently selected group in the groups list: Simply click the new color in the color palette.
You can assign one or more nodes in the Network Pane to a group by selecting them and clicking the right mouse button which opens a menu. From this menu, use the Assign to Group item to select a group. This way you can also remove a node from a specific group by selecting the No Group sub item of the Assign to Group item. You can assign nodes to groups in both Edit Mode and Run Mode since this has no real influence on the network structure.