Inference in Bayesian networks and influence diagrams are performed in a secondary structure known as a junction tree. The junction tree for a network is generated when one switches from Edit Mode to Run Mode. The junction tree of the network can be displayed in a separate window, opened by selecting the Show Junction Tree item of the View Menu.
Figure 1 shows a junction tree for the Asia network.
Figure 1: Junction tree for the Asia network. |
To understand what a junction tree is and what it can be used for, there are several issues that may be of interest:
Also of interest is how one can use a junction tree to detect and trace conflicting evidence.
Inference in a network is conducted through message passing in a junction-tree
representation of it. The junction tree is obtained through transformation that involves the
processes of moralization and triangulation. It can be shown that exact inference in a Bayesian
network requires (implicit or explicit) moralization and triangulation.
In the moralization step, an undirected link is first added between each pair of unconnected parent
nodes that have a common child node. Next, all directed links are converted to undirected links. This
process results in a so-called moral graph.
The triangulation step adds (undirected) links to the moral graph such that the resulting graph is
triangulated (or chordal). An undirected graph is chordal whenever it does not
contain a cycle (i.e., a path of distinct nodes, except that the first and the last nodes are identical) of length greater than 3
without a chord (i.e., a link between non-consecutive nodes of the path). The maximal completely
connected components or sub-graphs (i.e., where each pair of nodes are connected to each other) of a
graph are called cliques.
It is the cliques of the triangulated graph that form the nodes of the junction tree. Each clique has
associated with it a table with indices spanning the Cartesian product of the state spaces of the
nodes of the clique. Thus, each clique holds a representation of a function over
all nodes of the clique. That is, a joint probability distribution over the nodes of the clique can be represented in the
clique table.
Obviously, as each clique has associated with it a table that grows exponentially in size as more
nodes are added to it, we want the cliques to be as small as possible. However, as the number of
different triangulations may be as high as n factorial, where n is the
number of nodes of the network, and as the representational and computational complexities of the resulting junction trees vary
heavily over the different triangulations, it can be very difficult to find an optimal triangulation. In
fact, the complexity of this optimization problem is NP-hard (mathematical way to say that it is
impossible within reasonable time).
The Hugin Decision Engine (HDE) offers a number of different triangulation
algorithms, most of which are based on greedy one-step look ahead heuristics. In many cases, however, an optimal (or
near-optimal) triangulation can in fact be found. The HDE offers a method for (near-)optimal
triangulation, which in many cases results in junction trees of much lower complexity than those
generated using the other (heuristic) triangulation methods provided. For details, see
the description of the compile function.
Please note that if the Bayesian network is disconnected, so is the junction tree. A disconnected
junction tree is sometimes called a junction forest.
As mentioned above, inference in a network amounts to message passing in a junction-tree
representation of the network.
An inference step (also referred to as a propagation) consists of two main phases:
A clique, C, are allowed to send a message to a neighboring clique, D, whenever C has received
messages from all other neighbors and it has not already sent a message to D.
A message from a clique C to a neighboring clique D consists of a marginal table over the nodes that are members of both C and
D. More precisely, the message is computed from the table of C by eliminating the dimensions corresponding to the nodes of C that are
not members of D. Typically, elimination is performed through summation. To compute the most likely configuration (also known
as the most probable explanation (MPE)) and the probability of this configuration,
elimination is, however, performed through maximization.
The cliques of the junction tree(s) are displayed as rectangles (see Figure 2), where the upper part of the rectangle contains a list of the nodes that are members of the clique, and the lower part contains a conflict bar indicating the conflict measure pertaining to the evidence entered in the sub-tree rooted at the clique. For details on data conflict analysis, please consult the data conflict analysis section.
Figure 2: A clique of the Asia junction tree. |
A clique can be selected by clicking the left mouse button. When selected the border of a clique
change from gray to black. It is possible to select multiple cliques by holding
down the shift key while clicking. When selecting one or more cliques, the nodes of the
selected cliques will get selected in the Network
The Junction Tree Panel offers a number of other functionalities, which are available through a tool
bar of buttons and a pull-down menu (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: A clique of the Asia junction tree. |
The printer button enables print out of the junction tree. The junction tree can be printed either to a printer, or to a file. Similarly to printing of the networks, it is possible to split the printout into several pages by setting an appropriate scale factor in a "Junction Tree" tab in the print dialog.
The magnification glass buttons offer possibilities to zoom in and out for better
The button with the symbol offers a possibility to select a different clique as root of the tree. The
functionality gets enabled only when exactly one clique is selected. Selecting a different clique as
root can be useful in the investigation of local conflicts.
The button with the symbol gets enabled when the global conflict measure is positive. See
the data conflict analysis for details.
The button with the symbol provides the usual sum propagation functionality.
The button with the symbol activates a help
page providing much the same information as provided in this and the data
conflict analysis section.
Evidence is indicated by highlighting evidence nodes (the color of their node symbols are changed to
the evidence color). Two different modes exist for displaying evidence nodes. Either all instances of
the evidence nodes will be highlighted or only those instances that appear in the cliques where the
evidence has been entered. (Note that a node can be a member of several cliques.) A pull-down
menu (see above) is provided for selection of preferred display mode.